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Trees for the grow

An opportunity for the inhabitants.

In collaboration with the company MUNICH RESIDENCE, we promote the planting of Paulownia trees to allow the inhabitants of the hills an economic income as well as create an impediment for possible future invasions.

Paulownias Tree Advantages:

The tree is the best option in protecting against soil erosion.
The plant is able to grow in areas which experience high concentration of salts in their soils.
The plant grows in polluted areas and also help in minimizing air pollution.
Paulownia provides the best timber.
One of the most sought after tree as far as furniture making is concerned.
The stump regenerates to new plants once cut.
Any plant grown near the tree could survive the dry spell.
Bees love to harbor in areas which these woods are grown
Paulownia is used to make log homes.
It does not rot easily.
Paulownia trees produce large leaves which are used as animal fodder.


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